You have probably seen this effect somewhere in magezines or posters around, but never managed to replicate it? This tutorial will teach you how to do that ribbon and halftone effect together.

Step 1.

Create a new document of any size you want. We started with 350×350 px sized document with white background. Choose a pen tool (Image 1, shortcut “P”), and draw some lines like shown on Image 2.

Now if you don’t know how to use pen tool, don’t be afraid to try. It’s simple. You have just 3 simple steps to do a cure like one above in Image 3. 1st step is to click to make a first point, so go ahead and do it. 2nd step is to click to make second point, but you must press and hold left-mouse-button. Now while you holding drag your mouse to make the curve appear like something on Image 2. 3rd step is to release previously holded left mouse button, and make another click somewhere like shown on image 2, but also hold that mouse click and drag in direction shown on image 2, then release it, and you’re done, you have your curve finished.

Step 2.

Now you will duplicate that curve few times. To duplicate the curve choose Path selection tool (shortcut “A”). Click on the path to select it, then hold ALT and click again on curve and drag a copy out of it. Now repeat that about 4 times to get shape like on Image 4.

Ok, now click some in gray area out of picture, and holding that click drag across the paths to select them all. Then, again hold ALT and left click on one of the paths and drag a duplicate out of it. Make something like shown on Image 5.

Step 3.

Press “D” to make default color selections in palette. Now click on foreground color (now it’s black) and choose a color similar to #5dc0bc Create a new layer by pressing Ctrl+Shift+N. If not already there, go to Paths palette (it’s a tab under layers palette). Select the paths you made, named “Work Path” now. Now choose Brush tool (shortcut “B”) and follow the arrows on Image 6 to choose a right brush.

So now you have choosed no.15 brush from Calighraphic brushes. Head back to path’s palette and follow the arrows shown on Image 7.

Under tool choose Brush, and check that box for “Simulate pressure”. Click OK.

Step 4.

Go back into Layers palette, and select the background layer. Choose this color: #aacecd for a foreground color in color picker. Choose Paint bucket tool and click into white space on image, to fill it with color: #aacecd Double click “Layer 1” in layers palette and fill the blending options as shown on Image 8.

Step 5.

Now press ctrl+shift+N to make a new layer and move it between “Layer 1” and “Background” layer. Choose Paint bucket tool and fill that “Layer 2” with color #c12d00 Click on filter -> noise -> add noise. In the “Add noise” menu enter 25 for Amount, choose Gaussian, and check Monochromatic. Click OK. Choose “Luminosity” under blending options of “Layer 2”, and change Opacity to 20%.

Step 6.

Double click on “Layer 1” and enter the options in layer style window as shown on Image 9.

Final result